
We just successfully launch an entire brand campaign for Velvet's SS21 in the Japanese market and also in the APAC region. Please stay tuned for more updates.

#velvet #campaign

A custom typeface for Sihanouk, the former Khmer king. 1 typeface, 6 styles.

Named after Norodom Sihanouk, former king of Cambodia and defender of the Francophonie Norodom Sihanouk, this modern family of characters, without serif, Norodom has 6 weights (Italic, Regular, Bold, Bold Italic, Heavy, and Extra Black) it's available for purchase.

#norodom #khmerking #norodomtypeface


It was a very long day but were able to pull it off and still have time to do some steel shot, totally worth it!


I'm mostly jumping around from place to place if you have any questions or if I can be of help solving your next project problem feel free to contact me at



On the second day of the shoot and thanks to the crew in Denmark, we had a wonderful day and the location was absolutely amazing where two oceans meet, the Baltic Sea and the North Sea.

#denmark #skagen

You can check out some of the happy hours four killer can design for everything from iPad to CBD at AIGA


We did a film shoot in Australia and launch a new campaign, the concept " Feeling is more believing" we collaborated with [ALEXANDROS], an upcoming Japanese ROCK-POP artist who created an original track. The results were really successful with the campaign.

#sscampaign #feelit #feelingisbelieving